Fraunhofer Design Competition
15 April, 2017
2nd Prize to Claudia Lausegger, Piet Schmidt (UdK) and Felix Drewes (Fraunhofer Fokus) © Marc Müller
A competition held by the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft demonstrates the potential of bringing scientists and designers together. Fraunhofer researchers collaborated with design students at two German universities to develop product concepts for technologies not yet on the market. Joachim Schirrmacher took a look at the project.
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Interview with Reimund Neugebauer, President of Fraunhofer
15 April, 2017
“The innovation processes can improve if we collaborate more closely with designers”. Fraunhofer President Reimund Neugebauer. Photo: © Bernhard Ludewig
Professor Reimund Neugebauer, president of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, talks about the dormant potential of collaboration between engineers and designers.
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Symposium and Festival
02 March, 2012
The local TV-Station ERT 3 and Mega Channel reported.
The power of creativity was the theme of the festival “Made in Thessaloniki“. Joachim Schirrmacher was invited as speaker for the Symosium. … more
German fashion history – Special: Fashion in Germany 2/7
16 February, 2010
Berlin Fashion Designer Claudia Skoda is influenced by art.
A review of German fashion history. Fashion is closely linked to identity. However, it was almost unable to evolve in Germany because of its chequered history. The question of German identity was only resolved with reunification in 1990. Immediately fashion in Germany began to thrive. … more
Design Reaktor Berlin – Design management
26 November, 2008
Not just products, but anything from processes to business models can be designed. Experts offer insights from practical experience. … more