02 March, 2012
The local TV-Station ERT 3 and Mega Channel reported.
The power of creativity was the theme of the festival “Made in Thessaloniki“. Joachim Schirrmacher was invited as speaker for the Symosium. … more
The local TV-Station ERT 3 and Mega Channel reported.
The power of creativity was the theme of the festival “Made in Thessaloniki“. Joachim Schirrmacher was invited as speaker for the Symosium. … more
Diane Pernet is a world-renowned Fashion critic and blogs on her site “A shaded view on Fashion” (ASVOF). She created 2008 the first fashion film festival at the Centre Pompidiou. Since is debut in Paris, ASVOFF tours the Globe with festivals in New York, London, Tokyo, Milan, Moscow, Mexico City or during Cannes Film Festival. 2012 ASVOFF comes to Barcelona. Diane Pernet asked Joachim Schirrmacher to be part of the jury. … more
“20 years of German Unity” was the motto of the 12th Federal Government Open House Weekend. In the Chancellor’s Office, German reunification was honoured with the discussion panel “20 Years – 20 Heads”. Fashion experts and designers discussed the influence of reunification on the German fashion scene. Joachim Schirrmacher was present. … more
The connection of style and function provides for impulses in the market. As a result of that, a new clothing segment can develop. New target groups and new materials drive the change. To take advantage of these chances, a strategic design management with the integration of product development, communication and distribution is necessary. … more