Special: Fashion in Germany 1/7
16 February, 2010
Fashion by c.neeon, Berlin
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© Kristian Schuller, Styling/Produktion: Peggy Schuller
Did you know that Germany is a major fashion centre? Some people find that surprising. Yet loyal customers, outstanding designers and the creative powerhouse of Berlin make that possible. Insights into Germany as a land of fashion.
German fashion relies on individuality, expression and character, is sometimes witty, sometimes elegant. German designers achieve success abroad and German fashion labels attract customers with quality products. And the Berlin look has a magnetic attraction for trend scouts. … more
La mode allemande – Special: Fashion in Germany 1/7
16 February, 2010
L’Allemagne, un pays de la mode? Cela en surprend plus d’un. Mais l’envie des clients, le savoir-faire des stylistes et Berlin comme moteur de la création sont convaincants. Un aperçu sur ce pays de la mode qu’est l’Allemagne … more
Moda alemana – Special: Fashion in Germany 1/7
16 February, 2010
¿Alemania, país de la moda? Puede sorprender. Pero a favor de ello hablan el interés de los clientes, el arte de los diseñadores y Berlín como motor creativo. Un vistazo a Alemania, país de la moda. … more
Moda alemã – Special: Fashion in Germany 1/7
16 February, 2010
A Alemanha, um país de moda? Isto surpreende alguns. Mas a vontade dos clientes, a capacidade dos estilistas e Berlim como motor criativo favorecem isto. Uma visão da Alemanha, país da moda. … more
Alman Modası – Special: Fashion in Germany 1/7
16 February, 2010
Bir moda ülkesi olarak Almanya mı? Kimileri bu duruma çok şaşırıyor olabilir. Oysa tüketicilerin gösterdikleri ilgi ve heves, tasarımcıların ortaya koydukları yapıtlar ve yaratıcılık merkezi Berlin, bu gerçeği ortaya koyuyor. Moda ülkesi Almanya’ya bir bakış. … more
Special: Fashion in Germany 1/7
16 February, 2010
德国是时尚国度?有些人会对此惊诧不已,但顾客的喜爱、设计师的才能以及创意引擎柏林都证明了这一论断。洞察时尚国度德国 … more
Special: Fashion in Germany 1/7
16 February, 2010
「ドイツはファッションの国」――こう聞くと、驚くひともいるかもしれない。しかし、服を単なる経済ファクターではなく文化ファクターととらえれば、この国にはファッションの豊かな未来があることに気づくだろう。衣服への高い関心、才能豊かなデザイナー、創造性の源ともいえる首都ベルリンを見れば、それは自ずから明らかだ。「ファッションの国ドイツ」を、ざっと見渡してみよう。 … more
Немецкая мода – Special: Fashion in Germany 1/7
16 February, 2010
Германия – страна моды? Некоторых это удивит. Но желание клиентов, умение дизайнеров и Берлин в качестве креативного мотора – все говорит «за». Знакомство с Германией как страной моды … more
Special: Fashion in Germany 1/7
16 February, 2010
ألمانيا ليست بلد الموضة؟ يفاجأ البعض بهذه المقولة. ولكن من لا ينظر للملابس على أنها مجرد سلعة اقتصادية، وإنما مادة ثقافية، فإنه يجد هنا مستقبل الموضة. وتكثر الدلائل على ذلك: رغبة الزبائن، قدرات المصممين، برلين كمحرك الإبداع والابتكار. لمحات عن ألمانيا بلد الموضة.
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German fashion history – Special: Fashion in Germany 2/7
16 February, 2010
Berlin Fashion Designer Claudia Skoda is influenced by art.
A review of German fashion history. Fashion is closely linked to identity. However, it was almost unable to evolve in Germany because of its chequered history. The question of German identity was only resolved with reunification in 1990. Immediately fashion in Germany began to thrive. … more